An ingrown nail is a painful condition that occurs when the nail is grown into the skin as a result of improper cutting, nail deformity, fungal infection, or unhealthy footwear. Sometimes pain and inflammation occur.

An ingrown nail may not always be treated by cleaning that area and cutting it properly, in some cases wire treatment is required. With the application of wire, the nail grown into the tissue is transformed into its own form. People with ingrown nails can rescue their nails from removal with this application.


With age, the bottom of the heel loses its elasticity, and effects such as cracks begin to appear more. Sometimes, diseases such as diabetes, eczema, thyroid, and psoriasis can also cause cracked heels. Regular cleaning is very important. In the treatment of heel cracks, a special solution is applied and waited. When the skin softens, it is cleaned by applying light pressure with the machine together with special tips. It is a completely painless method.


The causes of calluses are trauma, pressure, or bony protrusions in the foot. Highly thickened calluses are cleaned by machine using special creams. Calluses that are not so thick can be removed with instant intervention.